Job Advice Recent Grads Need to Hear

Are you a recent grad? Then you are probably desperately searching for a job, any job will do, right? Not a chance. Even though you may not want to hear it, you need some solid advice going forward. At DataTech we have tons of recent grads in our business community and they have told us what they wish they had known and now we pass it on to you.
Recent Grad Job Advice
Stay Humble
You see a lot of stories about people who just show up to the company they want to work for and get the job. Don’t do this. This will tick a lot of employers off and most definitely won’t land you the job. Stay humble and get creative with your resume if you wish, just don’t make these mistakes.
Research the Culture
Research, research, research. The corporate culture of a business is a very important thing. How do people dress? What is the age of the people who work there? Finding out these things will give you a leg up on how to dress and act during a potential interview.
If It’s Too Good to be True
As a recent grad, the idea of quick and easy money is very tempting. Stop. Any “job” that offers you easy money quickly is a scam or a pyramid scheme. Companies like Amway and Herbalife and known pyramid schemes, so stay away.
Interview Are Easy
If interviews were easy, then everyone would have a job. Many grads do not realize that interviews are the hardest process in any job search. Making sure that you nail that interview takes practice, time, and lots of research. If you are having trouble with interviews, there are tons of places that can give you a little help.
It won’t last forever and eventually, you will land the job. Keep your chin up and don’t worry about small things.