The Importance of Perseverance

Success, especially for an entrepreneur, is not achievable without some degree of perseverance. Having the drive to do better will help you immensely in your career. Your bosses will notice this and hopefully fast track you onwards and upwards.
The Importance of Perseverance
Keep Growing
This is the most important trait of perseverance, the ability to learn from failure and accept that it does not define you. A growth mindset keeps an individual in a state of continuous learning, continuous growth. People with a growth mindset can often be heard saying, “I don’t know how to do that YET”. They seek progress in all their actions and never are limited by stagnant skills.
Short and Long Term Goals
Persistence is critical for perseverance. It is easy for an individual to have short term goals that are challenging, it is difficult to keep those short term goals aligned with your long term objectives. Having too narrow a mindset for your goals can be detrimental to your growth. Try not to base your goals on deadlines and make them a bigger picture.
Recent research on willpower has revealed that it acts much the same way as a muscle. It can be trained and enhanced, or it can be wasted and diminish. Each of us has a limited supply of willpower, on a daily basis. It’s up to us to enhance this amount as best we can and use it for its maximum potential. Whether holding back an outburst, focusing on a difficult crossword, or analyzing a project’s ROI, everything we do takes some degree of willpower.
You Can’t Do it Alone
You aren’t alone in your career, and having someone to hold you accountable is a key part of growth. Having people to bounce ideas off and get a different perspective is critical in advancing your goals. Our Business Community at DataTech is an invaluable resource, and we foster a community of businesses working together.