The Do’s & Don’ts Of The Office Party

If you are having any kind of workplace party, there are some pretty clear dos and don’ts when it comes to them. With summer coming up, we are sure that you will have one or two office parties to attend. Lets us help you keep your job when the morning comes with these simple dos and don’ts.
Office Party Do’s
- Mingle and Mingle. Make sure that you make your rounds during the party. Do not exclude anyone, and make as much small talk as you can with your co-workers. In case you are new, it’s a good chance to make an impression and hopefully some office friends.
- Free Food. Take advantage of free food. Why spend money on dinner that day. Save up for some holiday gifts instead. You should indulge guilt free tonight.
- Be Professional. Do not bring up anything you wouldn’t during the normal working day. Do not swear and do not ask for promotions, you are still “at work”.
- Leave Quietly. Forgo the goodbyes. It takes too long and chances are you will miss someone and cause some kind of annoyance to that person. Just slip away when ready, no one will say anything the next day.
Office Party Don’ts
- Stay On Your Phone. Do not be rude and stare at your phone screen all night. It will keep you from seeming rude and help you actually create some connections between co-workers.
- Talk About Work. This is the most cliché thing you can do, and it’s boring. You work all week, and the time you have off should avoid the context of work. We know it’s hard, but try.
- Hit The Open Bar. Want to lose your job? Well, this might be the fastest way to do so. Stay somewhat sober and leave before you get too inebriated.
We know the holidays are all about fun. But when at work, make sure you stay professional. Keep to these Do’s and you should be just fine. From all of us at DataTech, have a great holiday season here in beautiful Victoria, BC.