Tips to Help DeClutter Your Home Office

Is your home office riddled with mounds upon mounds of paper? Can’t find last month’s phone bill? Has the problem gotten so bad that you’ve taken to working at the dining room table instead because your desk is that cluttered? Take heart in the knowledge that you are not alone. Here are a few ideas to help you declutter that special office space in your life.
Declutter That Home Office Space
Go Digital to Declutter
Firstly, go digital. If you are still receiving your bills and monthly statements in paper form, request that you receive them in the future by electronic means instead. Electronic documents are easier to organize, and mailing out paper documents costs businesses money, costs which are often passed on to consumers. A good first step to addressing the problem is to stop adding to it.
Shred It
Secondly, borrow or invest in a paper shredder. As you go through that mound of paperwork, there will inevitably be some documents that can be disposed of. Recycle the shredded remains and bask in the feeling of junking that which you no longer have any use for.
You’ve now whittled down the pile to something more manageable – it’s time to organize the rest. The best way to keep your documents organized is to get a filing cabinet. With everything labeled properly inside, a filing cabinet provides a safe, sturdy, and secure solution to your storage needs. A binder is an acceptable alternative but that may involve hole-punching your otherwise important documents. Compatible sleeves and folders can provide a workaround to this but they don’t provide the convenience and ease of access that a simple filing cabinet does.
Lastly, for those important documents where there only exists one copy, such as your passport, birth certificate, wills, and life insurance policies, consider investing in a fireproof deposit box. Many are available for a song and provide the safety and peace of mind rivaled by few other storage solutions.
DataTech Business Centre offers mailbox services and virtual offices for all businesses!